As more and more usage of Sitecore JSS with Javascript frameworks like React JS, Vue.JS and Angular JS, it is very important know that GraphQL is becoming mandatory for Enterprise Applications. In an Enterprise Application, querying different API with different kinds of integration of back-end system is very important. Sitecore GraphQL plays a very important role in this regard.
If you are new to Sitecore GraphQL and wanted to know how to set it up , Click Here for the link where I have documented step by step approach to set up on Sitecore. Let's proceed further.
What is Graphql Schema?
Schemas describe the way that data is organized and constructed. A GraphQL schema defines the types and the fields available on each type, which can include references to other types. You can use a schema provider to add self-contained pieces of a schema. If you want to add a new root query and your type system does not depend on any other schema provider’s types, you must select a schema provider. Few of the good examples of schema provider are a third party CRM System, a Product Catalog etc.,
With that being said, we cannot rely only the OOTB box Sitecore data. There is need to define your own set of schema to define to target your need.
Building the Sitecore GraphQL SchemaProvider
This post walks you through the following steps to guide you setting up a custom GraphQL SchemaProvider from which you can query the endpoint.
Steps to create your own GraphQL schema in Sitecore:
• Create .NET project with SchemaProvider, GraphType(s) and RootQuery
• Register the newly created Schema Provider as a GraphQL endpoint
Step 1: Implement a schema provider
First step to define your own custom schema is to implement a schema provider:
Create a C# class that implements the SchemaProviderBase class. This class defines the structure of the GraphQL schema, including the root fields that can be queried (an item is a root query field in the content schema provider).
Here I am creating a custom GraphQL schema called company. Name of the SchemaProvider class is ProductionCompanySchemaProvider. Also, this includes other necessary .Net code as a separate classes. Entire code is uploaded here
You can find the code and config uploaded here in GitHub.
If you are new to Sitecore GraphQL and wanted to know how to set it up , Click Here for the link where I have documented step by step approach to set up on Sitecore. Let's proceed further.
What is Graphql Schema?
Schemas describe the way that data is organized and constructed. A GraphQL schema defines the types and the fields available on each type, which can include references to other types. You can use a schema provider to add self-contained pieces of a schema. If you want to add a new root query and your type system does not depend on any other schema provider’s types, you must select a schema provider. Few of the good examples of schema provider are a third party CRM System, a Product Catalog etc.,
With that being said, we cannot rely only the OOTB box Sitecore data. There is need to define your own set of schema to define to target your need.
Building the Sitecore GraphQL SchemaProvider
This post walks you through the following steps to guide you setting up a custom GraphQL SchemaProvider from which you can query the endpoint.
Steps to create your own GraphQL schema in Sitecore:
• Create .NET project with SchemaProvider, GraphType(s) and RootQuery
• Register the newly created Schema Provider as a GraphQL endpoint
Step 1: Implement a schema provider
First step to define your own custom schema is to implement a schema provider:
Create a C# class that implements the SchemaProviderBase class. This class defines the structure of the GraphQL schema, including the root fields that can be queried (an item is a root query field in the content schema provider).
Here I am creating a custom GraphQL schema called company. Name of the SchemaProvider class is ProductionCompanySchemaProvider. Also, this includes other necessary .Net code as a separate classes. Entire code is uploaded here
//1. ProductionCompanySchemaProvider.cs defines the custom schema and calls CompanyQuery for data
using GraphQL.Types;
using Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.Schemas;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Sitecore.GraphQL.CustomSchema
public class ProductionCompanySchemaProvider : SchemaProviderBase
public override IEnumerable CreateRootQueries()
yield return new CompanyQuery();
//2. CompanyQuery.cs defines the RootFieldType, Resolve FieldContext and retuns the company data
using GraphQL.Types;
using Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.Schemas;
namespace Sitecore.GraphQL.CustomSchema
/// Teaches GraphQL how to resolve the `Company` root field.
/// RootFieldType means this root field maps a `ProductionCompany` domain object into the `ProductionCompanyGraphType` graph type object.
public class CompanyQuery : RootFieldType
public CompanyQuery() : base(name: "company", description: "Gets the production company details")
protected override ProductionCompany Resolve(ResolveFieldContext context)
// this is the object the resolver maps onto the graph type
// (see ProductionCompanyGraphType below). This is your own domain object, not GraphQL-specific.
return new ProductionCompany
Id = 123,
Name = "Mindtree Ltd an L&T Company",
LogoPath = "c://abc/xyz/logo.png",
OriginCountry = "Mindtree Ltd"
//3. ProductionCompanyGraphType.cs returns the FieldType
using GraphQL.Types;
namespace Sitecore.GraphQL.CustomSchema
// because this graph type is referred to by the return type in the FieldType, it is automatically
// registered with the schema. For implied types (e.g. interface implementations) you need to override CreateGraphTypes() and
// manually tell the schema they exist (because no graph type directly refers to those types)
public class ProductionCompanyGraphType : ObjectGraphType
public ProductionCompanyGraphType()
// graph type names must be unique within a schema, so if defining a multiple-schema-provider
// endpoint, ensure that you don't have name collisions between schema providers.
Name = "ProductionCompany";
Field>("id", resolve: context => context.Source.Id);
Field>("name", resolve: context => context.Source.Name);
Field>("logo_path", resolve: context => context.Source.LogoPath);
Field>("origin_country", resolve: context => context.Source.OriginCountry);
//4. PorductionCompany.cs model class
namespace Sitecore.GraphQL.CustomSchema
public class ProductionCompany
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string LogoPath { get; set; }
public string OriginCountry { get; set; }
Step 2: Create Sitecore config patch to define the GraphQL endpoint.
Register the schema provider as a GraphQL endpoint using Sitecore config patch.
<master type="Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.Hosting.GraphQLEndpoint,
<schema hint="list:AddSchemaProvider">
<company type="Sitecore.GraphQL.CustomSchema.ProductionCompanySchemaProvider,
Sitecore.GraphQL.CustomSchema" />
Post this follow these steps:
• Build the your GraphQL SchemaProvider project and place the dll in the bin folder of your Sitecore instance webroot and
• Copy the Sitecore patch config into AppConfig/Include folder. For example in my case C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\App_Config\Include\zzcustompatches
• Run the Sitecore Graph Browser url with ApiKey. For example
• Build the your GraphQL SchemaProvider project and place the dll in the bin folder of your Sitecore instance webroot and
• Copy the Sitecore patch config into AppConfig/Include folder. For example in my case C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\App_Config\Include\zzcustompatches
• Run the Sitecore Graph Browser url with ApiKey. For example
Now, your environment will be ready to execute queries on your custom GraphQL schema i.e company
Here is one such screenshot which i captured after executing query
You can create custom GraphQL schema to even call your different service data and query the same using GraphQL.You can find the code and config uploaded here in GitHub.
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