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GraphQL for Sitecore: A beginner walkthrough

If you are a beginner in GraphQL and you are looking step-by-step by process to setup GraphQL API on Sitecore, please proceed further and setup up GraphQL API for Sitecore

Before we jump start Sitecore GraphQL API, let us start some basic introduction of GraphQL.

What is GraphQL
  • GraphQL is a query language
  • GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API
  • It gives the power to ask exactly what you need and nothing more
  • Designed to support the needs of the front-end
  • Strongly typed, self-documenting
  • Bandwidth efficient
  • Easy real-time data
Sitecore GraphQL API
  • The Sitecore GraphQL API is a generic GraphQL service platform on top of Sitecore. It hosts your data and presents it through GraphQL queries. The API supports real-time data using GraphQL subscriptions
  • Get GraphQL by installing the JSS server components package
  • Sitecore GraphQL does not have any GraphQL endpoints defined by default
  • Define at least one endpoint to use the GraphQL API
Prerequisites : Required Installations
  • Sitecore 9 or later
  • Sitecore JavaScript Services Server for Sitecore 9.3 XP 13.0.0 rev.
  • Check for your Sitecore version compatible package
Prerequisites : Required Settings
  • Make sure you did set <compilation debug=”true”> in the Web.config
  • Make sure that you set * for AllowedControllers and CORS Origins in your API Key item  for development environment
  • If you use GraphQL subscriptions or WebSocket transport, you must enable the WebSockets feature on the IIS and reset the IIS afterwards
How to setup GraphQL for Sitecore

Sitecore GraphQL currently ships as a component of JavaScript Services
Step1: If you have not already installed Sitecore JavaScript Services Server for Sitecore 9.3 XP 13.0.0 rev., install this using installation wizard
Step2: Generate API Key under the below path in Sitecore /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/API Keys
Step3: As mentioned earlier, enter * in CORS Orgins field and Allowed Control fields. For Impersonation User field, enter extranet\anonymous as the default user and publish. Note: this is for development environment
Step4: Enable Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.Content.Master.config under  the path <webroot>\App_Config\Sitecore\Services.GraphQL
Step5: Configure security setting for local dev environment in  Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.config
Step6: Browse this url on this browser https://<your_domain>/sitecore/api/graph/items/master/ui

Running a simple query

Anatomy of a Query
  • A GraphQL query has its own syntax
  • Request and Responses are of same shape
  • Queries looks like JSON

An example of a GraphQL Query:

Another example of a GraphQL Query:

Querying the API

Running multiple queries in a single request

Fetch only what is required in a single query

Running multiple queries in a single request by passing parameters

Running a search query

Documentation Explorer
  • Documentation explorer is equally important. Auto-generating API documentation of GraphQL keeps documentation in sync with API changes
  • GraphQL documentation explorers enable developers to understand syntax and browse the documentation in a useful way

GraphQL approaches for Sitecore

Integrated GraphQL:

Integrated GraphQL operates by storing the GraphQL query in the component GraphQL Query field on the rendering

Connected GraphQL:

A JSS app makes the direct HTTP requests to a Sitecore GraphQL endpoint


REST                                                                             GraphQL
A lot of endpoints                                                          Single endpoint
Over fetching or under fetching of data                     Fetch only what you need
Multiple versioning                                                        No versioning required
Difficulty in understanding                                             Self documented

Pros and Cons of GraphQL

  • Being less “talkative” than REST makes GraphQL way faster
  • Good fit for complex systems and micro services
  • Fetching data with a single API call
  • No over- and under-fetching problems
  • Tailoring requests to your needs
  • Validation and type checking out-of-the-box
  • Auto-generating API documentation
  • API evolution without versioning
  • Performance issues with very complex queries
  • Overkill for small applications
  • Web caching complexity
  • File uploading
  • Queries always return a HTTP status code of 200 irrespective error
  • Takes a while to understand
  • Tech community
When to use GraphQL
  • GraphQL is appropriate when you need a production-grade API to power different frontend applications.  Ex: Apps for devices such as mobile phones, smartwatches, and IoT devices,      where bandwidth usage matters
  • When you don’t want to implement REST API. Applications where nested data needs to be fetched in a single call. Ex: a blog or social networking platform where posts need to be fetched along  with nested comments and commenters details
  • When your applications heavily uses API from its front-end(s) or expose its API to external consumers
That's all I wanted present with this article and if in case if you are looking for help in setting up your first Sitecore JSS app. Visit here for my other page.

Here is the youtube link of the presentation 


  1. I am trying to execute below query to create Item,but it is throwing error,Can you please suggest what I am doing wrong.

    name:"Title",value:"I Love GraphQL",
    }) {

    1. I Got what I am doing wrong here

      name:"Title",value:"'I Love GraphQL'",
      }) {

  2. This is really an awesome piece on Graphql espicially for beginners, really appreciate it.


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