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Showing posts from October, 2019

How to manage the Updates, Hotfixes and Install them using Update Center

In the later versions of Sitecore i.e. 9.0 Update 2 and onwards, Sitecore has introduced a tool called Update Center which is used to manage the following tasks on Sitecore platform and Sitecore modules. Find the newer version Find the updates on the existing version Find the hotfixes if there are any Listing them on the Update Center dashboard Download and Install them The Update Center can download and install the updates from a package in the file system using the Package Management Service . You can find the Update Center tool on the Sitecore Launchpad. Update Center listed under Control Panel category Click and open the Update Center and you will see all the available updates for the Sitecore Platform and modules under the respective category if there are any. For me, under Sitecore platform updates, it is listing Sitecore platform 9.2.0 as the update available as my current version is Sitecore 9.1.1. On the above picture, on the left pane, the Updates opt...

Copy field value from Web database to Master database using Powershell

Recently, we encountered an instance where we need to copy a particular field value from Sitecore Web database to Master database in a peculiar case.    I wrote a simple PowerShell script which did the trick. Here is the script and the same can be modified on the case to case basis. Here are the steps.  1.Filter and select the Sitecore items based on a template id for particular type of items from both master database and web database. 2. Loop through the list and find a matching item based on the item id from Master DB and Web DB. 3. Edit the match which common in both the database. $pagetempId='{349F8A57-BA39-42DD-A82F-671641D05812}' $path="/sitecore/content/MySite/Press/News" $itemsmaster=Get-ChildItem master:$path -recurse | where-object { $_.'TemplateId' -eq $pagetempId} $itemsweb=Get-ChildItem web:$path -recurse | where-object { $_.'TemplateId' -eq $pagetempId} foreach($itemweb in $itemsweb) {   foreach($itemmaster in $itemsm...